Command Control Picture
I had trouble publishing to the blog in the past few days, so I couldn't post this photo. The problem seems to be fixed now, so here is the pic (click for a larger image):
EDIT (8:50 PM): Perhaps a bit of explanation of the items in the picture will be good - The various items shown in the picture (yes, including the table itself) have been purchased over the last 6 months or so.
- The picture was taken with Sandip's camera.
- Command Control is the name of Episode 1, Level 4 of Doom.
- The two laminated photos are by my brother Varun. I actually bought them from him that's how much I liked the pieces!
- The RIPPLES award was for painting.
- An earlier photo actually showed the table with a full mug of tea, but unfortunately the picture was not good (besides, I forgot to keep the USB drive there).
- The Batman toy I bought, the Pokemon toy came free with a "Kiddy Meal" at Marrybrown Restaurant.
- The desktop wallpaper on the computer today is not the Doom one it is now a scene from a Hellblazer comic (issue #27 if I remember right the story is "Hold Me" written by Neil Gaiman and drawn by Dave McKean).
John Constantine: Hellblazer
Started reading
John Constantine: HELLBLAZER. Read three issues so far, they were good. I like the atmosphere in the books and the dark humour.
I especially like the stylish writing by Jamie Delano.
Also read Warren Ellis's
Orbiter. Good book.
Command Control
I had taken a photo of my table at home with all the electronic equipment set up. This is called "E1M4: Command Control". Wanted to post it earlier, but there was some problem publishing to the blog so this didn't happen.
Will put it up next chance I get.
Varun's latest video,
Drive recently. Nice stuff!
I will be going to Hyderabad again on 23rd (the flight is at 5:45 AM!). Will be back in Chennai on 26th night.
SPACE The Final Frontier
The "space" in the headline refers to computer-related storage space, which I managed to accumulate more of, over this weekend.
On Saturday, I went to Supreme Computers and bought the following items:
- 40 GB hard disk, with a case that allows me to connect it to my computer through a USB port.
- 128 MB USB drive for smaller transfers of data.
This is pretty cool stuff, and I've given Doom-inspired names to the hard disks (the one on my laptop is called
Phobos Anomaly and the external one is
Deimos Anomaly. The folder on Deimos Anomaly which I use for temporary stuff is called
Containment Area.
Yesterday, Sandip and myself went around Ambattur OT and took several photos of the area on his digital camera. Also took a photo of my table with all the electronic equipment (I call this
Command Control). I will post this next chance I get.
As for movies, I watched
James (pretty good) and
House of the Dead (OK) recently.
Looking forward to watching
Varun's latest video. Planning to download it at the browsing centre tonight on my USB drive and watch it at home.
Empty Spencer's
Kamal is in Chennai on official work for a few days, so on Sunday, he, Rama and myself met in Spencer's Plaza. We had dinner at The Noodle House there.
A couple of things distinguished this meeting from an ordinary one. First, there was the presence of a lot of electronic equipment I brought along my laptop to show them
Dark Machine video, and Rama brought along his digital camera.
It was around 10 PM by the time we finished dinner, so at that time Spencer's Plaza was practically deserted. So we took photos of ourselves in front of closed shops, in empty corridors, etc. Then transferred the photos to my computer before going back home.