More Drew Struzan Links
I did a bit more searching about artist Drew Struzan and came up with this wonderful site The Drew Movie Poster Page that has a collection of all his movie posters online. Remember I mentioned the Star Wars Special Edition posters he did? Well, this site gives a bit more information on them:After reading about how the posters work together as a single piece of art, I decided to put them together, and this is the result:

This is just beautiful. I can't think of any other words to describe it.
EDIT (10:51 PM): I have been reading about all the posters on that site. Reached the 1980s poster descriptions so far. Will probably resume this tomorrow, as I will go to have some coffee now and then go on to reading The Marketing Imagination by Theodore Levitt for a book review that I have to give on 14th. Oh, there is also an endterm exam on IT for Competitive Advantage tomorrow, that I am not going to study for.
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