The Photos
As promised, I am posting photos of the changes that happened to my face in the recent past! By now people have gotten used to the clean shaven look, and I should have my original beard back within a few days.This is what I looked like on February 14:

And then, on February 17, the handlebar mustache:

And finally here is the clean shaven look:

Rupak (my roommate) was the first person to see my face like this, and he asked me "Is it you or a clone?" Some people told me they like my original look better, and others have said that the clean shaven look is actually better. Everyone agrees, though, that I look younger now. Anyway, I am going to go back to the original look as soon as the beard grows back.
I watched Macross Plus (Movie Edition) today and liked it. It was a very beautfiully made anime, and I really like "Myung's Song (Voices)" from the movie. The story as such involved elements of science fiction, drama, romance, and even action it is set in the year 2040 on the Planet Eden. Isamu and Guld, are both fighter pilots, competing for their fighter crafts to be chosen for a defense project. The virtual singer, Sharon Apple is visiting Planet Eden, and with her comes her producer, Myung. Myung loved (and still loves) both Isamu and Guld, but their relationships broke up after an incident that happened seven years ago. There are further developments in the story but it is probably not a good idea to reveal everything here.
I think you're better with the original beard: you look much better! ;) Trust me! :)
P.S.: Have you received my last e-mail (sent on 15th February)?!
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